04.05.2020 Hinke Y. (CHARLOTTESVILLE - DAVINCI) -
I am trapped and my pencil is consoling me
‘Cause as the world I’m in is chaos
I’m trying to sort out the community around me and
Figure how to manage with emotion six feet away
My ancestors watch me write
German, Dutch, Swedish, all in one
Wanting out, wanting in
Waiting for me to get there
I am the daughter of the lorax;
Fighting for policy, reusing and investigating wherever I go
50 years of praising Mother Earth but we’re still drilling
So I might just major in saving the world
I’m here to make music, 10 years strong
Playing out for anyone who wants to listen
Creating sounds with anything I hold
Tapping my body to an invisible beat and waiting for others to join
I’m beginning to realize that it’s not about hitting all the right notes
But doing something real and being
And always growing because you can’t ever stop
And I don’t intend to
Sitting here in the light of this room and the caves of my mind
With a pen in hand and paper crumpled at my feet
Regardless of what I do or who I become
I know that I’ve got something and just maybe I am: